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Medical expertise
Medical expert services are those services offered by health professionals, such as doctors, to carry out investigations and evaluations related to legal cases.
What does it consist of.
Medical expert services may include performing physical examinations, reviewing medical records, and interpreting test results to help determine identity, cause of death, injury, or any other fact relevant to a court case.
Health professionals who provide these services are often experts in their field and trained to present their findings objectively and impartially in court.
A dental expert opinion is a forensic examination carried out by a dentist in order to determine identity, cause of death, injuries or any other relevant fact in a legal case.
The dental expert service is a service offered by an expert dentist in the application of dental knowledge in the investigation of legal cases. This service may include performing dental surveys to help determine identity, cause of death, injuries, or any other relevant fact in a court case. It may also include the presentation of testimony in oral trials or the preparation of expert reports to be presented in court.
Steps to follow.
1. Review of the documentation and background of the case.
2. Physical examination of the mouth, teeth, and related structures.
3. Taking photographs, radiographs and dental models to document the findings.
4. Analysis and interpretation of the data collected, and comparison with previous dental records, if available.
5. Preparation of an expert report that includes the findings and conclusions of the expert opinion.
6. Presentation of testimony at trial, if necessary.
It is important to note that each dental expertise is unique and may require different steps or approaches depending on the case and the client’s needs.